How do we use Cookies?

Cookies are used by our site as a way to enhance your experience. The site will react differently depending on who is using it; think of the way the website can recommend things you may want because of what you’ve searched previously.
Whilst you can remove the cookies that are automatically left on your computer this is not something we would recommend, as there is a chance that it will prevent our website from functioning as it should.

Types of Cookies:


First Party/ Functional Cookies

To improve your convenience, and personalise your browsing experience, all whilst improving your satisfaction by recognising preferred configurations, first party / functional cookies are used. To deduce the owner of a site’s first-party cookies, simply look in the address bar. The Cookie file’s name will often consist of the domain’s name.
All information sourced from our site Cookies is retained by us, and none of your personal information is handles by any third parties, ever. In fact, we do not pay interest to any personal information whatsoever, as our sole intention is to monitor your computer’s interactions with our domain, not your personal interactions.

Third Party / Targeting Cookies

Instead of hailing from our website, Third-party/Targeting cookies originate from, and relay information to, external sources, such as the owners of the advertisements featured on our website, or social networking sites. These cookie files are saved onto your computer hard drive, to allow advertisers to track your browsing history (specifically, how many websites you browsed which featured their advertisement) to compile data on advertisement placement.

To provide an anecdote:

If a user visits, they may come across a banner at the side of their screen, now, imagine this belongs to This third party’s advert delivers a cookie belonging to its host domain, which remains in the user’s hard drive. If the user visits another website, which also features an advert from, then cookies are once again received from the host domain of the advert. Eventually, these two cookie files are sent to the advertiser’s host domain, where they are analysed and compiled to deduce the browsing history of the user – simply by noting whenever the user comes across one of their adverts.


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